My training experience at the Commission On Audit helped and changed me a lot, it just feels like I am going to school everyday to learn something and apply what I have acquired but my daily routine has been changed into something unusual for me. I have to wake up early in the morning to prepare myself for the long day ahead and give out my best shot upon my working hours.
I stayed at the Commission On Audit for 180 hours only, it just took a month and a half. within those seven days I already learned a lot of things, more than what I expected. I came to realize the importance of OJT to a students’ life and aside from the training that I got, it is about the experience and learning that I acquired.
We can always make our OJT meaningful and fruitful through doing things that obtain satisfaction to us. Everything that we do must develop our potential and allow us to reach our objectives. It’s accomplishing every task with all our hearts and having the initiative to strive harder to learn and seek for more.
OJT is more than what it means. It’s the set of training, learning and the most important ingredients of all, the experience. “Experience is the best teacher”. And nothing compares to the knowledge that it can give to us. It may be hard at first, but once we learn to appreciate and love what we’re doing, it became easier and easier every day.